The show is open to all and is free to enter, everyone is welcome, please come.
The Small Village Hall will be open for entries from 5.30 pm.
There are many different Classes within the following categories.
Flowers and Roses
Flower Arrangements
Home Produce and Handy crafts

Please refer to the schedule to find out if your exhibit is acceptable and what Classes to enter.
Competitors will be issued with identifying numbers to accompany their exhibits.
All entries must be staged by 6.20 am.

You can obtain a schedule by clicking here.

Judging then starts and members, unless authorized by the committee, are asked to keep away from the exhibits.
The judging finishes and the awards are placed next the the exhibits.

The Hall opens again to the public at 7.45 pm.
Refreshments are then available together with some items for sale.
The public are free to admire the exhibits at ease.
At 8.45 pm. the winning exhibitors receive prizes.