This page shows pictures sent to us showing some of the beautiful plants growing in Wye


Rose Yves Piaget

Produced by the French rose company Meilland, this was seen as the first of a new series, ‘Romantica’ roses introduced in 1983.
The bloom is more than four inches across and has about 80 distinctively shaped petals.
It is fragrant and was grown during 2019 and 2020.

This Amaryllis 85 cm (33 inches) tall it was such a surprise ,it just went on growing like jack and the beanstalk !
I think it was because it didn’t have enough light

This Rose was a joy to view


Epiphyllum, Millicent Ballard.

This is native to Mexico where it is night- flowering and pollinated by moths. It is a large flower about seven inches across! This was photographed in our conservatory


The rose shown here is Claude Monet.

It was bred by George Delbard of the French Delbard Rose Company. He gave it this name because it reminded him of Impressionist painters brush strokes. It is part of a rose series which includes, Camille Pissarro, Henri Matisse, Paul Gauguin and Marc Chagall.

About Delbard Roses

In 1935 George Delbard opened his first store on the banks of the River Seine and it wasn’t long before the name and reputation of Delbard quickly spread across the globe. By 1958 the first Delbard research laboratory was opened with scientists and breeders working to understand the mysteries of rose culture. Stronger flowers, greater scent, and just as importantly disease resistance.
Over the years the family business grew and in 1972 Henri Delbard became Managing Director, overseeing the development of over fifty garden centres across France, also opening one of the most advanced research and breeding facilities in Europe. 2012 saw Arnaud Delbard, Henri’s son take responsibility for the name of Delbard, carrying on his family’s legacy of bringing the joy of roses to the world.
Since the 1930s, over 250 new varieties have been bred by the Delbard family and each introduction is treated like a baptism of a child, being presented to the world. Delbard continually strives for perfection, doing so with love and consideration for the world around them. Each rose introduced is a gift to us all. A simple bloom that they hope will touch all of our lives.

This rose is part of the collection called Impressionists obtainable from StyleRoses


Clematis Princess Kate

Everlasting Sweet Pea

Japanese Anemone


This wonderful specimen is Mathiasella bupleuroids, green dream. It grows to 5 feet and is in its second year in my garden. The flowers last till in the autumn and gradually turn pink. It is unusual isn’t it.

This Hollyhock in a local garden is 10 feet tall and finally has flowers at its very top.


This Spider orchid is native to Latin America and is included here as an encouragement for people apprehensive about trying to grow orchids. This plant is native to upland tropical forest where temperatures are lower than at sea level. This means it will tolerate cooler conditions and if your conservatory or greenhouse does not drop below 10C in winter it should survive and flower.


This rose is called Edith Holden a lovely splash of colour for Autumn.

Sweet gum, Liquidambar styraciflua,,isshown here in the Latin School Garden of the former Wye College. The tree, grown at one time for a constituent of chewing gum, is native to the southern United States, Mexico and Central America. Its fossil history shows that millions of year ago it grew it what is now Alaska and Greenland. Its interest is as an ornamental tree with spectacular Autumn leaf colour.