How to have a great Front Garden, a talk by Alison Marsden

Wye Gardeners talks are held in Wye Small Village Hall and this talk will follow our AGM which starts at 7.30pm

Alison is a trained Social & Therapeutic Horticulture (STH) practitioner and runs Gardening by Design. This is an approach to gardening based on understanding; understanding the needs of her clients, how gardening helps people, and how plants grow. Her aim is for us all to understand these things too, however, and wherever, we are gardening.

So many front gardens are a disappointment to both occupants and visitors. It is true that we usually need space to park and store a few wheelie bins but that should not stop a front garden from being attractive and welcoming. But in order to see past the limitations of a front garden we need to think about and look at the space differently. This talk explains the why and how of creating the great front garden that you deserve.

Why not join the society and come to all of our talks for free, its only £15 for the year.

Otherwise we charge £5 for each talk if you are not a member.

We hope you will join us in March.

As usual there will be a raffle after the talk followed by refreshments.