English Love affair with Irises

Wye Gardeners talks are held in Wye Small Village Hall and start at 7.30pm please arrive after 7.00pm

We are very pleased to welcome Sue Marshal who together with her husband Harry has run Iris of Sissinghurst for over 20 years specialising in all types of Iris

Sue and Harry have exhibited at numerous shows, Chelsea, Harrogate, Cardiff as well as locally at the Kent Garden Show.

The talk is about her love affair with the Iris, how it all started , different types of iris and then a little on Irises hybridised in Kent and future breeding plans.

Would you like to grow Irises, come along to this talk and find how the experts grow these beautiful flowers

Everyone is welcome to come to our talks.

Why not join the society and come to all of our talks for free, its only £15 for the year.

Otherwise we charge £5 for each talk if you are not a member.

We hope you will join us in October.

As usual there will be a raffle after the talk followed by refreshments.