Come to Wye Small Village Hall between 7 and 7.30pm and hear all you ever wanted to know about Allotments in Wye

You cannot beat the feeling that you have grown the food that you are about to eat. But how to start?

Our first talk of the year will help with this. Members of the Gardeners Committee will be talking on the 15 Jan about their experiences of having an allotment, the highs and the lows, successes and failures.

You will hear about the history of the three allotment sites in Wye, and suggestions about techniques for looking after the soil so that your soil will have all that plants need to survive and thrive.

Whether you have an allotment or are thinking of growing plants this talk is for you.

Why not join the society and come to all of our talks for free, its only £15 for the year.

Otherwise we charge £5 for each talk if you are not a member.

We hope you will join us in January.

As usual there will be a raffle after the talk followed by refreshments.